Hi, my favorite readers! How are you? I hope everything is good! I recently returned from my trip to hometown. It was wonderful! After a good rest it's time to get to work, but how motivate myself for writing new interesting blog posts? I have some tips for you! Set goals. Look at the successful people in your field, or read something...
Yay, weekend has come! Do you like weekends? I do. What about clothes, on the weekends I like to dress casually and comfortably. We have cloudy and a bit chilly weather today, that's why I put a warm and comfortable sweater, jeans and sneakers. Maybe this outfit isn't so interesting but it is what it is, i like to wear jeans on these...
Such a lovely weather has come, simply marvelous! Yesterday we (I and my boyfriend) decided to photograph clothes. We have here, in Ukraine, a small clothing brand. It is a cheap streetwear brand mainly for men (worldwide shipping). I sometimes take photos, not professionally, but I like to make interesting pictures. What about me, I'm wearing colourful dress with floral print, I found it...
It's gonna be may, hey! Summer begins very soon and my plants are feeling this! They are growing up very quickly now. So I want to show you some of them! Just, take a look! :) This oxalis is a present from my grandmother, it is one of my favourite plants. This cuties are my favourite too! I bought this succulent from...