08/03/15 - Youthful blog

Summer TAG

 Hello guys! Let's talk about summer? Here in Ukraine we have veeery hot weather now... Definitely summer is the best time to do that "SUMMER TAG". I found  this questions at WHAT-KATIE-DID-NEXT. Let's begin! 1. What's your favourite thing about summer? Summer nights and long walks. Very simple :) 2. Do you have a favourite summer drink? Watermelon :) Best summer drink I swear!...

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Black sea

Summer Vibes

Hey, my beautiful readers! Summer is running out and we have only last month. But it is a  whole month! One week ago I was at the seaside with my mom and boyfriend. We have fun and swim a lot! It was very good time in a very sweet company. And I want to share with you several photos from this vacation. I...

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