August 2015 - Youthful blog
me time


 Hello everyone! How you're doing today? Today I woke up very early and I'm very exciting about that. I love morning time, it's kinda "me time", you know... Some magic time of the day, when most of people are sleeping and nature wakes up, rising sun, fresh air... And nobody disturbs you at all, good time for reading books or just drink your...

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back to school

Back to school

 I graduated from high school 6 years ago. But I'm not indifferent to textbooks, diaries and notebooks. I miss the fun school days ...  I want to share with you some links that make your school days much more fun and simple! I think so...  BackPack ofcourse! And I choose this cool but simple one at UO.  The next useful thing is lunch...

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Summer TAG

 Hello guys! Let's talk about summer? Here in Ukraine we have veeery hot weather now... Definitely summer is the best time to do that "SUMMER TAG". I found  this questions at WHAT-KATIE-DID-NEXT. Let's begin! 1. What's your favourite thing about summer? Summer nights and long walks. Very simple :) 2. Do you have a favourite summer drink? Watermelon :) Best summer drink I swear!...

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Black sea

Summer Vibes

Hey, my beautiful readers! Summer is running out and we have only last month. But it is a  whole month! One week ago I was at the seaside with my mom and boyfriend. We have fun and swim a lot! It was very good time in a very sweet company. And I want to share with you several photos from this vacation. I...

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