October 2015 - Youthful blog

My TOP-5 Favorite Instagram Accounts

 What are you doing when you wake up? Most of modern people check their instagram accounts, am I right? So, that's why I want to share with you which accounts inspire me to have a productive and happy day.   My instagram account is @nastia_po I am subscriber to 336 accounts and I pick up 5 of them, only the best for you :)  So......

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Sweater Weather 2015. Pinterest Edition

 Do you feel that? I mean cold autumn wind...Do you want after a walk in the park or coming home from work /study wrap yourself in a blanket and a warm sweater and sit with a cup of hot chocolate and watch the TV?.. I feel that. In Ukraine sweater weather definitely has come. But I love that. Autumn is my favorite season,...

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